ETL - Using Python to push data to Salesforce Analytics
The problem: develop a method to automate the process of pushing data from our Netezza reporting warehouse to Salesforce Analytics for consolidated reporting.
In my quest to solve this problem, I created the Python script below.
The commented yum & pip installs at the top of the script are required bits to make it work.
Sharing the data is outside the scope of this script, but it is easily solved by first creating a data set and sharing it out then using the script to overwrite it.
In my quest to solve this problem, I created the Python script below.
The commented yum & pip installs at the top of the script are required bits to make it work.
Sharing the data is outside the scope of this script, but it is easily solved by first creating a data set and sharing it out then using the script to overwrite it.
# sudo yum install python-devel
# sudo pip install ibm_db
# sudo pip install simple_salesforce
# sudo pip install jaydebeapi
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
import requests
import jaydebeapi
import sys
import csv
import base64
import os
import tempfile
import math
# set up some variables
debug = True
fname = "./data/temp.csv"
errlog = "./log/errorlog.txt"
metadata = "./metadata/SfdcMedalliaMetadata.json"
driver = "./drivers/nzjdbc.jar"
# Salesforce conn info
sf_grant_type = "password"
sf_client_id = "mylongstring"
sf_client_secret = "mysecret"
sf_username = "myusername"
sf_password = "mypassword"
sf_url = ""
# Database conn info
dsn_database = "mydatabase"
dsn_hostname = ""
dsn_port = "2222"
dsn_uid = "myuid"
dsn_pwd = "mypass"
jdbc_driver_name = "org.netezza.Driver"
jdbc_driver_loc = driver
###jdbc:netezza://',server + "/',dbName ;
connection_string = 'jdbc:netezza://'+dsn_hostname+':'+dsn_port+'/'+dsn_database
url = '{0}:user={1};password={2}'.format(connection_string, dsn_uid, dsn_pwd)
if debug: print 'URL: ', format(url)
if debug: print 'Connection String: ', format(connection_string)
# sql
sql = ("select promoter_type, survey_response_date, survey_id, likelihood_to_recommend, support_satisfaction, ticket_num from MEDALLIA.DRILL_SURVEY")
conn = jaydebeapi.connect("org.netezza.Driver", connection_string, {'user': dsn_uid, 'password': dsn_pwd}, jars=driver)
curs = conn.cursor()
except jaydebeapi.Error as e:
if debug: print 'Error in connecting to the database.'
with open(errlog, "wb") as errlg:
errlg.writelines("Error in connecting to the database.")
# Split function found here:
def split(infilename, num_chunks):
in_file_size = os.path.getsize(infilename)
if debug: print 'SPLIT() in_file_size:', in_file_size
chunk_size = in_file_size // num_chunks
if debug: print 'SPLIT(): target chunk_size:', chunk_size
files = []
with open(infilename, 'rb', READ_BUFFER) as infile:
for _ in xrange(num_chunks):
temp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
while temp_file.tell() < chunk_size:
except StopIteration: # end of infile
break # rewind
return files
# fetch the data
result = curs.fetchall()
# get the column names for writing the csv header
col_names = [i[0] for i in curs.description]
if debug: print 'Total records fetched : ',str(len(result))
except jaydebeapi.Error as e:
if debug: print 'Error in fetching database results.'
with open(errlog, "wb") as errlg:
errlg.write("Error in fetching database results.")
# clean up the connection
# write results to csv
with open(fname, "wb") as myfile:
wrtr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
# write the csv header
wrtr.writerow([g for g in col_names])
for row in result:
# set parameters for SFDC login
params = {
"grant_type": sf_grant_type,
"client_id": sf_client_id,
"client_secret": sf_client_secret,
"username": sf_username,
"password": sf_password
# make the request and get the access_token and instance_url for future posts
r =
sf_url + "/services/oauth2/token", params=params)
# store the tocken and instance url
access_token = r.json().get("access_token")
instanceUrl = r.json().get("instance_url")
if debug: print 'Login to Salesforce : access token is ',str(access_token)
except Exception as e:
if debug: print 'Error in logging into Salesforce.'
with open(errlog, "wb") as errlg:
errlg.write("Error posting Auth request to Salesforce.")
# instantiate the sf object for easy crud operations
sf = Salesforce(instance_url=instanceUrl, session_id=access_token)
# set up the data header, by including the data description
with open(metadata, "r") as mdata:
mdata_contents = base64.b64encode(str(
# insert the header record
res_header = sf.InsightsExternalData.create({
'Format': 'Csv',
'EdgemartAlias': 'MedalliaSurveys',
'EdgemartLabel': 'Medallia Surveys',
'Description': 'Test of API load.',
'FileName': 'MedalliaSurveys',
'MetadataJson': mdata_contents,
'Operation': 'Overwrite',
'Action': 'None'
# retrieve the new header id for use with the data parts
header_id = res_header.get('id')
if debug: print 'Created data header. Id is ',str(header_id)
except Exception as e:
if debug: print 'Error in writing data header.'
with open(errlog, "wb") as errlg:
errlg.write("Error writing data header to Salesforce.")
# if the file is larger than 10mb,
# it needs to be broken up in chunks
fsize = os.stat(fname).st_size
if (fsize > 10000000):
if debug: print 'File needs to be chunked, size is : ',str(fsize)
num_chunks = int(math.ceil(float(fsize) / float(10000000)))
files = split(fname, num_chunks)
if debug: print 'Number of files created: ', format(len(files))
for i, ifile in enumerate(files, start=1):
f_contents = base64.b64encode(str(
res_data = sf.InsightsExternalDataPart.create({
'DataFile': f_contents,
'InsightsExternalDataId': header_id,
'PartNumber': str(i)
if debug: print 'File is fine to post in single part.'
# base64 encode the data file
with open(fname, "r") as f:
f_contents = base64.b64encode(str(
res_data = sf.InsightsExternalDataPart.create({
'DataFile': f_contents,
'InsightsExternalDataId': header_id,
'PartNumber': '1'
if debug: print 'The data part created is : ',str(res_data.get('id'))
except Exception as e:
if debug: print 'Error in writing data part.'
with open(errlog, "wb") as errlg:
errlg.write("Error writing data part to Salesforce.")
res_proc = sf.InsightsExternalData.update(header_id, {
'Action': 'Process'
if debug: print 'The result of the processing the data is : ',str(res_proc)
except Exception as e:
if debug: print 'Error in Updating action of data header.'
with open(errlog, "wb") as errlg:
errlg.write("Error processing data in Salesforce.")
Please help me with your email address, I need some help with connecting Transoft USQL to SQL Server or any Database engine.
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