Simple GitHub Issue Export using Python
We needed a way to export GitHub issues and comments to import into Jira. This Python example easily exports these via the Rest api, and is quite simple to customize to suit your needs. Create a Personal Access Token and use this in place of the one in line 10 (after the word "token" of course). You'll need to pick through the GitHub Api if you want more things like attachments. I'm also a big fan of the Google Advanced Rest Client to review the data. Interesting coincident that M$ is in talks to buy GitHub ... import requests import json import csv api_url = '' repo = 'repos/CloudBI/reports' headers = { 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 'Authorization': 'token c0ns1d3rg3tt1ingy0ur0wn' } # this will return the number pages of issues to return def get_num_pages(): r = requests.request("GET", api_url + repo, headers=headers) if r.status_co...