An Old Linux Project
Back in 2005 when I started work at a Milwaukee area technology consulting company I was asked to develop a kiosk system that could automatically copy images from a digital storage card to a CD.
Image via WikipediaThe business idea from our customers perspective was to provide an iMac G4 with a handfull of cheap waterproof digital cameras to a water park free. The water park would then provide a camera to their customer during their stay, and when they returned the camera they would have the option to purchase a branded CD of all of their pictures for $20.
The problem was that even though the iMac was easy to use, staff still had issues at times with dragging the images to the proper template folder for burning the project to CD. That's where I came in.
I started to research the needs and available GNU projects that could do what we needed:
- Automount
- BashBurn
- Festival
We spec'd out a Shuttle Box and had one purchased for testing. My first distro chosen was SuSE, but after a horrible experience with a CPU kernel bug I had to fall back to Fedora 2 (show's you how long ago this was!).
The install script took care of all setup making it easier for the client to handle future hardware setups on his own.
Anyone interested can download the 36mb package here.