Database updates
I needed a method to update a database application across a WAN, and found that I could do this with my Linux firewalls, and Windows batch scripting. The topology is this:
Win2k Svr -> Linux FW -> Internet <- Linux FW <- WinNT Svr Win2k Svr batch file:
@ECHO OFF SET _LOGFILE=mydb.log Net Stop "SQL Anywhere - mydb" >> "%_LOGFILE%" ATTRIB -R "C:\Program Files\mydb Software\mydb\mydb.db" ATTRIB -R "C:\Program Files\mydb Software\mydb\mydb.log" NET USE Z: \\win2ksvr\home\backup\backup\mydb admpass /USER:domain\admin FOR /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%i in ('DATE /T') do set d=%%k%%i%%j FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:. " %%i in ('TIME /T') do set t=%%i%%j%%k XCOPY "C:\Program Files\mydb Software\mydb\mydb.log" Z: CALL :REPORT %ERRORLEVEL% "C:\Program Files\mydb Software\mydb\mydb.log" XCOPY "C:\Program Files\mydb Software\mydb\mydb.db" Z: CALL :REPORT %ERRORLEVEL% "C:\Program Files\mydb Software\mydb\mydb.db" NET USE Z: /DELETE NET START "SQL Anywhere - mydb" >> "%_LOGFILE%" GOTO :EOF :REPORT IF %1==0 SET STATUS=OK IF NOT %1==0 SET STATUS=Failed ECHO %2 %STATUS% on %d% at %t% >> "%filename%" SET STATUS= GOTO :EOF :EOF ENDLinux FW Script:
#!/bin/sh # Source function library. . /etc/init.d/functions # Get config. . /etc/sysconfig/network # Check that networking is up. if [ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] then echo "Networking is not setup on this computer." exit 0 fi # Check that DSL is up. host="" ping -c1 $host 2>&1 1>/dev/null if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "Can't ping We must be down,\nor we are not resolving properly.\nPlease check it out" mail -s "We appear to be down." exit 0 fi ## Check that Domain is up. if ! wget -T 30 -O /dev/null -q; then # Domain is down echo "Domain is down, the first page of the \nwebsite is not available" mail -s "Domain is down." exit 0 fi ## Zip up the db cd /home/backup/rambackup/Mydb if [ -e mydb.db -o -e mydb.log ]; then zip -9 -m mydb.db mydb.log cp /mnt/domain1 else echo "There was no mydb.db or mydb.log file on /home/backup/rambackup/Mydb to zip up. Check and make sure they exist." mail -s "Mydb zipping error." exit 0 fi sftp -C -b /etc/cron.daily/mydb.batch -oUser=smbuser -oIdentityFile=/home/samba/.ssh/id_dsa domain 2> /tmp/mydb >> /tmp/mydb mail -s "Mydb transfer results." < /tmp/mydb rm -f /tmp/mydb exit 0mydb.batch
lcd /home/backup/rambackup/mydb cd /mydb put exit
WinNT Script
@ECHO OFF CD "c:\MyDB Update Scripts\" SET _LOGFILE=update.log SETLOCAL SET OK=N FOR /F "Tokens=*" %%a in ('NET STOP "SQL Anywhere - MyDB"^|FIND /I "stopped successfully"') DO ( SET OK=Y ) If "%OK%" EQU "N" ( @ECHO The MyDB server did not stop successfully. >> "%_LOGFILE%" ) ELSE ( @ECHO The MyDB server stopped successfully. >> "%_LOGFILE%" ) ENDLOCAL ATTRIB -R "c:\Program Files\MyDB Software\MyDB Fundraising\MyDB.db" ATTRIB -R "c:\Program Files\MyDB Software\MyDB Fundraising\MyDB.log" NET USE P: \\\MyDB FOR /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%i IN ('DATE /T') DO SET d=%%k%%i%%j FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:. " %%i IN ('TIME /T') DO SET t=%%i%%j%%k XCOPY P:\MyDB.log "c:\Program Files\MyDB Software\MyDB Fundraising\" CALL :REPORT %ERRORLEVEL% P:\MyDB.log XCOPY P:\MyDB.db "c:\Program Files\MyDB Software\MyDB Fundraising\" CALL :REPORT %ERRORLEVEL% P:\MyDB.db NET USE P: /DELETE NET START "SQL Anywhere - MyDB" >> "%_LOGFILE%" GOTO :EOF :REPORT IF %1==0 SET STATUS=OK IF NOT %1==0 SET STATUS=Failed ECHO %2 %STATUS% on %d% at %t% >> "%_LOGFILE%" SET STATUS= GOTO :EOF