Letting one another know what you were doing at any given time was another issue for us at Wustum. There are a number of employees that need to leave the building for various reasons, and instead of putting up a In/Out board, I decided that web-based calendaring was in order.
Our friends at M$ do make a nice add-on to Exchange 5.5 called Team Folders. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be supporting it any longer, so get it while you can. It allows all your Outlook users to view a common calendar, much like thier own personal one. It supports permissions, and is fully customizable.
I set up another one to track our many classrooms that we use for education. It eliminated double-booking issues.
When we opened the new Racine Art Museum, I had to address the same issues on two campuses and viewing abilities across the internet. That was easily solved using GNU licensed tools. One is called WebCalendar for employee tracking, and the other is Meeting Room Booking System. We just transferred all events from the Exchange Team Folders to these, and took them off line.
Ain't life grand?