I've decided to journalize my work history.
I've decided that I should document what I've been doing in my position at the Racine Art Museum these past couple of years. I've taken on a number of projects, and while I should have done this progressively as I performed them, I'll try to do it now.
My interest in computers started long ago, when I joined the Army. I wanted a job that involved computers, and they were happy to oblige me. Unfortunately, I knew nothing about computers, only that I wanted to play...so they assigned me as a 13E MOS. Field Artilliary Fire Direction Specialist. The only computer they had was FADAC, or "Freddy". It computed the trajectory of bullets for us when we were too lazy to do it on paper and using protractors and slide rules. And I hate math...
Once I got out of the service and finally ended up at Rode's Camera some years later, I started going to school, puttering around with machines at home (Alpha server, PC's, Mac's, Linux, etc) and learning lots. I wrote my first production piece of software for them. They were logging every film processing order on paper, and writing pricing by hand on envelopes full of pictures. My program, written in VB, utilized a used thermal printer from UPS (thanks Ebay), and simple algorithm's to compute different types of orders, print labels, and keep an electronic log. They still use it today, and I've since made some improvements.
In addition to selling to corporate clients, I set up a Yahoo Store for them, and also a vigorous Ebay presence that is still maintained in my absence.
I worked with a man named Skip, and his wife worked at the museum as Deputy Director. She saw and heard what I was doing for Rode's and hired me. I was so geeked!