Subsystem for Unix-based Applications and Windows Batch scripts
Image via Wikipedia Some time ago, I installed the SUA package with the thought I might use it for scripting and other tasks that I find easier to accomplish using GNU -like tools rather than Windows . Recently I needed to run a batch script that programatically checks for the evidence of some data files and injects them into MS Sql via DTS . This script worked fine on another server for years with a few tweaks now and then, and suddenly during my tests on this machine, it was failing. What I found was that my script was using the Windows FIND command, which is also installed by SUA. When I used FIND in my script, it was using the SUA flavor, and not the Windows version. I checked my PATH environment and saw that SUA's path was listed first, then %SystemRoot% , and %SystemRoot%\System32 where Windows FIND is installed. If I were a betting man, I'd have to say that since the SUA tools are listed before Windows, they get processed first. I've not tested this, but really...