GFI Faxmaker using IIS SMTP Services
I've been using GFI Faxmaker since around version 10, but mostly in Exchange environments, and usually trying to get it to work with a variety of analog modems. Image via Wikipedia I have a customer that's moving to a hosted Exchange solution, and we've just moved the last of the users mailboxes off-site. Now came the simple task of pointing the Email2FAXGateway settings to send mail to the hosted servers. We don't use GFI Faxmaker to send, so won't have to resort to any special TextAPI formatting, outlined at GFI's support site. We initially performed a test, sending inbound fax messages directly to the hosted servers, and it seemed to work well, but a few days later noticed there was a problem. I think what was happening was the hosting mail servers performed an RDNS ( reverse DNS ) lookup, which fails, since mail sent out of GFI appears to be coming from The solution was to set up IIS SMTP services, and relay all messages to our hosting...