Sunbelt VIPRE Enterprise and MY story
This post was prompted by a couple of off-line inquiries into my experience with a recent VIPRE Enterprise deployment. I should point out that this is NOT my first deployment of anti-virus software . I've rolled out McAfee , Trend, and Symantec server/client solutions. I was probably found because of my activity on Twitter , since I was whining about it one day... In any case, here's my story. My client, a 3 shift manufacturing bakery with 90 clients and 5 servers, was looking to me and another consultant for suggestions for a replacement to Trend CSM, since it was expiring. It was suggested that we try VIPRE. I hadn't used it, did a bit of research, and eventually agreed to that it would be a good fit. It was easy to roll out, and even easier to manage. One issue I immediately called SunBelt about was the Admin UI, and it's inability to list the known vulnerability list without bogging down, and eventually bringing the server to it's knees. NOT a good th...