The Best News Archive Reader
Wow, talk about a news reader on steroids... I happened to stumble upon this VERY cool news reader. From their site, the quick description: MarkMail lets you search millions of emails across thousands of mailing lists Search using keywords as well as from: , subject: , extension: , and list: constraints The GUI doesn't yet expose it, but you can negate any search item, like -subject:jira . Subdomains are list constraining, so searches tomcat lists Use "n" and "p" keyboard shortcuts to navigate the search results You're going to want JavaScript enabled You can stay current with the MarkMail blog What I think is really cool, is that MS docs are also included in the mix. When you find them, it pops them up in what looks like a Thickbox/JQuery interface. VERY nice. It's very intuitive, IMHO. You perform a search, and are presented with a match list of messages. Clicking on one "slides" the thread to the left, revealing ...