Symantec Endpoint Rapid Release for FU Worm

NOTE: After a cursory view of the Symantec forums, it's come to my attention that it is NOT best practice to use Rapid Release, unless directed by Symantec or if you have this worm. I would compare this closely to M$ release of patches that are special in nature, and would normally only release these if the system exhibited specific symptoms related to said patch.

In other words, use at your own risk.

Image representing Symantec as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase

Downloading and Installing RapidRelease Definitions:

  1. Open your Web browser. If you are using a dial-up connection, connect to any Web site, such as:
  2. Copy and paste the address into the address bar of your Web browser and then press Enter.(this could take a minute or so if you have a slow connection)
  3. Now select 92114 folder or a higher. Open the folder.
  4. Select the file symrapidreleasedefsx86.exe
  5. When a download dialog box appears, save the file to the Windows desktop.
  6. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the prompts.
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